fat kids always ***** ***** up
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Tuesday, 24th May 2005 @ 01:44:45 AM in AEST
why do fat people hate me??? is it because im cute? why do fat people hate good poetry? its a mystery! i work in a library i count, one two three. fat people love donuts trees. they get my words erased they put candy in my face they are a different race. i hate them they hate me they live in a hatred tree do they accept my hate? no they just delete my beautiful poetry that i work for hours on and its awesome but they are offended and how can they not be? god obviously hates them and thats why they are fat. i would slit my wrists if i was a fat jerk. and i would cry and be very sad. very very sad and upset you are fat and i hate you you are fat and you always poo because you always eat a babies treat... liar, tattletale, lard-***....
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2005-05-24 01:44:45] (Date/Time posted on
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