I lost my life (Pt. 1) (Nothing is left)
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Thursday, 2nd January 2003 @ 12:40:00 PM in AEST
I lost my life (Pt. 1) (Nothing is left)
By:Nicholas Ingram
Life was a vaulable thing, You killed me, All the things you done and said, and you wonder why in the hell I'm dead, I guess i lived part of my life, There is nothing left but to throw the rest away, It was just the 2 of us, But *****, now its nothing left but a bunch of black dust.
I stumble around, feeling like ***** again, knowing that your moving tears me apart, Within and then, My senses are distorted, and your face is unclear, It turns red, I am sick to my stomach, I keep crying, I find my self back at home, In the shower, Puking my guts out, I cant even see, its all black, am i dying?, You held me closer telling me not to cry, But i still feel like i want to die, Far, far, away, we might meet again, to SICK to care, Forcefully, i try to open my eyes, But i suddenly realize, I'm dead. There is nothing left.
Life was a vauable thing, you took my life, all the things you done and said, and you wonder why i look at your face, and wish i was dead, I guess i live part of my life, but you took the rest away, Raped away, Maybe i could live again, one day?, it was just the two of us, but ***** nothing is left but white dust.
I cant stop blaming myself, But you were the one, who took my life, with your hands, your words, what can i do dead, cuz then i really couldnt give a *****, every day of life i was stuck, Crying so sadly, no more worrying nick, but i loved you, by that i could'nt control what i felt, could'nt control what i did or said, Freaking out, ***** up, I KILLED MYSELF.
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2003-01-02 12:40:00] (Date/Time posted on