Running I
Contributed by
Sunday, 5th January 2003 @ 01:20:00 AM in AEST
Running through the night, Your heart is pounding People chasing me, I'm out of breath Where do I run to, Which way is right I feel death is upon me, Trembling in fright You could hide in the woods, let the people go by No someone is waiting, I can see their light You trip on a rock, fell to the ground I'm scared it's dark, moon's laughing behind the clouds Climb up a tree wait for the people to leave I can still hear there voices, carried on the breeze Is this my new life now, is this a dream Will I always be running and hiding from things
Clouds moving together, it's starting to rain The lightening's your fear, The thunder your pain Looking up at the sky spinning around in play Rains hiding your tears as the drops hit your face I'm cold and wet I need to dry The distance a fire, glowing in the night
Watching the blue flames, creeping through the coals This is me in your mind, warming your soul As you lay in your new bed, Hearts beating slow Your breathing is now shallow, your eyes are now closed Your body seems lifeless rarely does it move eyes side to side, Thats all I can do I'm a part of your mind you chose to ignore As dreams are created, your mind I explore
Your standing on a ledge, up high in the sky For I am the thought, of you taking flight Wind pushes behind you, your freefalling down Not a care in the world, Flying around I let you go, you start to scream Closer to the ground crashing through trees You awake in a sweat, trying to remember your dream I control the thought that hides what you've seen Sometimes you hate me for I do But these are the thoughts you choose not to view.
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2003-01-05 01:20:00] (Date/Time posted on
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