The Cure of Fighting Bullies
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Saturday, 11th June 2005 @ 10:23:31 PM in AEST
BULLIES BULLIES GO AWAY OTHERWISE MY FISTS ARE THE ONES THAT WILL MAKE U *-** PAY IM DONE WIT YOU WHY DONT YOU JUST GO AWAY heres the truth the one that will giv u the courage to make them go away
Bullies, tthere just miserable people who want you to pay because they don't have it like you do their families are the type who don't care what they have to say so they look at you and they g, i wish i was them, but since i cant i might as well disturb them in a harsh way ..... See that is them they want to be like you but they can't so they try to mess u up in a very harsh way but guess what my brother, them hurtin you ends today hurts what you got to day listen to meh carefulleh today tomorrrow whenever you see them they bother you go up to them and dont show no fear they come in packs but just remember think of this "I never got a good career because these people put me in fear" DONT LET THEM DO THAT TO YOU Dont take no crap, if they begin to slap like a *-** girl, you got to fight back dont giv them any slack Their human beings just like you all they got is a mind and back and if they try to break yours, defend yourself, hit back remember your parents will always have your back so dont be afraid like i was i regret it each and every day it messed me up in a way all i want out of this is for other people to thank me one day, i doubt there are n e poems like this I HOPED IT GOES FAMOUS, MAYBE ON THE NEWS, WHO KNOWS!!!!!! I DOUBT it though, say it aint so I hope it is but o well just like i said heres some quick tips that are golden"
Muscles are the tough miuscles that are strong cells that will tells you aint gonna take crap, you tougher then them all so dude o to gym, bench show them once and for all
Second, they feed on weakness, dont take no crap dont show fear bc if they do, i keep goin at u and at u like they dont hav nottin else to do if they dont sense n e feat, most likeyly they'll leave you alone
if there is n e situation or ne thing that you want to discuss wit me for advice email me at masterj71011@gmail.com
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2005-06-11 22:23:31] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: The Cure of Fighting Bullies
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Saturday, 11th June 2005 @ 11:19:37 PM AEST (User
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