Tears of Love Hate and Confusion
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Friday, 17th June 2005 @ 01:07:47 AM in AEST
This fathers day i will look with a different perspective you are no longer the father that died but the one that left me for drugs
I do not know the cicumstances if it was intentional or not all I know is at 3 or 4 I kissed you goodbye, forever
You were selfish and did not care to think you didnt seem to care if i was left fatherless sometimes I wonder if you even cared about me but i will never know cause you took drugs and they chose to take your life
In a way I now understand why i was blinded about the truth cause knowing the truth has caused more hurt the hurt was there before but it is stronger now cause your death could have been prevented you could still be here with me today but you are not cause you chose drugs instead of being my father
Still, I know tears will be shed on fathers day but the tears of love will be mixed with hate and confusion.
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2005-06-17 01:07:47] (Date/Time posted on
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