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This World!

Contributed by MajesticPoet on Friday, 24th June 2005 @ 07:24:13 AM in AEST
Topic: oops

In this world we live in it seems that people are so blind. Rage develops in people for what? Because they are born with it? Because they are tired of the things in their daily life? Yet these same people never say or do anything to change it. People walk around so blinded by their own visions, that they never see the truth right around them. So much greed and envy in a world that cares nothing about greed, and does not envy a person. We fight so hard to change the world to our liking, and the way we want it. This is a bad idea. The world will never change, only we can change, and the rest will follow in its own accord. Are we on some righteous path that we do not know about? I can not answer that. All I know is that I am here for a reason, be it to better mankind with my soul and spirit, or to just walk along the shadows of the street lights pondering my existence.

I dont care about many things in this world, because even I know I can not control them. I dont care if people like or dis-like me. I am not here to win some popularity contest. I will leave that to the politicians. Search for love? We all do it. Is it really there? Does it even have a true existence? Or is it something we are made to believe is there, and make false feelings in our minds to say Hey, I found love! So many people settle down for comfort. Not that it is love, but it is close, and it is comfortable. The American dream? Please! There is no such thing. America as a collective does not dream about one existence with each other. They only care about themselves and those that are directly connected to them. Anyone else is just another casualty of commonplace. Money and Power? What does that really mean? To me it is a false idolized sense of security in this world. It will get you only so far. The more you have, the more you want. Have too much and people despise you and only befriend you because of it. A true person is the one that is content with what they have and dont care if they gain more. Find someone like that and befriend them. Because when push comes to shove and life throws you mud, they will be the ones that back you up and help you out. We are all stuck on this notion that money is the way to be happier. Yeah it can make you get to a higher state of happiness, but does it really make you happy? I dont think so. I think you fall back into that false sense and you are no better off then when you had little money. Think back when you struggled. Yeah money was tight, but you had great friends, and have great memories of times you have shared with them. The more money you make the further you push away from your past. Thinking that it was the reason you where broke or poor. No it is the reason why you are where you are. Without it, you would be no where. We cant live in the past, but for goodness sake remember without it, you have no present or future.

Another thing that this world is stuck on is VANITY! Why? Why do we go out and try to be something we are not, when deep down we know we are not happy? Can you truly look in the mirror prior to painting your false image on and say You know I am happy with me!? I dont think you can, because if you could, then that would be the end of it, and the lights would be turned off. What is so important with acceptance? I would rather have one friend that accepts me for me, then 100 acquaintances that accept me for a false image of me. A faade is what this world is so stuck on. The mainstream, the in crowd. What is an in crowd? Do you really think that by being accepted by a mass of people that will no sooner cast you aside for your short coming, is going to make you a complete person? This is the same reason people find solitary confinement to be the worst punishment. They are so frightened to have to confront themselves. Ever ask yourself Why do I do this day in and day out? But never answer it! Makes no sense does it. Who cares about outward appearances? 60 years from now, do you think that people will remember who you once pretended to be? Or remember you for who you are? One false move, one false step, and all you tried to convey to people is gone! The right clothes, the right shoes, the right car, all the right status symbols. Well they dont mean ***** if you can not be happy with it. If I walked upto you wearing all black, having visible tattoos, and listening to music that at one point in life was dubbed Devils Music would you take the time to talk to me? Or would you snicker at me and continue on. You think you would label me? Call me Weird, Crazy, Out of Touch? You would label me because I dont conform to your standards. The only problem with that, is you just missed out on what could have been the best conversation of your life. Because you judged me based on Vanity! Everyone says Dont judge a book by its cover!, when they would never even buy the book to begin with. Commonplace has no real place, because there is nothing common about this world anymore.

You dont seem to notice the people that shape this world. If they are not considered normal, you pay no attention to them. So lets look at what is considered normal! The world normal as defined in a biology sense means Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies. Lacking Observable! This is an outward or noticeable abnormality. Again Vanity! What is normal? I think people look for the Clean cut, well dressed, mainstream, society featured person to be normal. A person that has a tattoo now and days is considered normal, now take that same person and add say 5 more, and then they are no longer normal. Why? Because of their own form of expression? Is that to really be considered acceptable? If you where to sit down and talk to me about most any event, you would consider me normal. Let me take my shirt off, and turn my music on, then I would be an outcast. It is only because I now do not conform to your definition of normal. I now do not lack in observable abnormalities. You see what I mean? People never want to really take the time to know someone. They want to paint a picture based on a vision from a distance, and not allow that picture to take form for its own good. I did not think people where as shallow as they are when I was growing up. But over the years I have seen it with my own eyes. Culture and society have taken over our own thoughts, and allowed us to stereotype and label anyone that is out of the mainstream. Even to the tone of racial. Let me give you examples, because all of us at one point have done this. You see a guy with a country accent, wearing a cowboy hat, jeans, and a flannel. What is the first thought some have? Backwoods Redneck! See a person of color walking down the street, in baggy clothes, with his hat turned to the side, first thing to mind? Hood Rat, See a person of Spanish decent and first thing to mind? Wetback This is who we have allowed ourselves to become. Society has stereotyped the Abnormal and trained people to do the same with racial or descriptive terms.

Why do we continue to go on acting as if the world owes us something? Maybe in someway the people that we consider Insane have a better grip of reality then we do. They see things on planes we could never in our lives imagine. Same with religious conviction. Everyone seeks acceptance through religion at some point in their lives. A lot then turn and try to make others think and believe their way is the best and only way! Why? Is it not the same goal in most any religion? Accept God and Jesus. Accept Christ as your savior? I mean that is the main goal. It also says to love all men and women for they are all children. You say these words on Sundays, but Monday through Saturday these same people are unacceptable. Yet on Sunday you will sing with them hand and hand in church, share the Eucharist with them, and pray with them. They rest of the week though they are below you. Is it not said in the bible that Jesus thought no man, even his enemy to be below him but on the same level as he himself? So what gives you the right to think you are above any man? Does that not also mean you think yourself to be above Jesus Christ himself? Think about that. I believe there is a God and a plan. But in the same tone, I am Buddhist and follow that path of life. I get people that tell me that I will not go to heaven because I idolize a false god in Buddha. Seeing that Buddha did not want to be considered a God, how could I idolize? I follow in the teachings for the search for clarity. Much can be said for the belief and the teachings. Yet I tell people this, and they say I turned my back on God. That when judgment day comes, I will learn his awesome power. I say to them, I will not be the one to learn it, as I understand it. You on the other hand will have to answer to him, for casting me aside based on my views.

Sure I am like most, and would like to better myself in life. But the one thing I take with me everyday, is I can not control the final tally. I can do my best to get higher up then I am. Yet if I dont move an inch, it will be a mile further then those that put power, vanity, and money as their main goal in life. People that use other people for personal gain are the ones that live miserable lives. I could easily turn away from these people and treat them how they treat others. What would that prove though? What would it accomplish? Nothing! I would be no better then them and would be on the same path as them. So I accept them for them. Everyone has faults. Dont try to hide them, exploit them and empower yourself to build upon them. If you hide your faults, then you will lose all that you tried so hard to gain. One mis-step and it is all over, you will then have to try to repair a broken mirror with only tape. Stop hiding behind the shadows of yourself people. Learn that life is much more then what you have gained. It is what you have not gained. If you gain all that you want in life, then you lost the real picture. Life is about happiness. Where will you go if you gain everything? What will you have left to try for? Why worry about such trivial things that in the long run will not bring you full circle to that reflection in the mirror that you try all so hard to avoid. You are you for a reason. Make friends, not acquaintances. Dont worry about what the world thinks of you. Because the world doesnt think, people do. And most people cant even control their own emotions much less their own thoughts. Never look at a persons faults, if you yourself, can not come to terms with your own. Dont judge me for who you think I might be, but get to know me and judge me for whom I am. I can list 200 things that make me a good person. That however is not what I do. I want you to find those 200 things inside of me.

People often talk as killing themselves is the only way out. Maybe they are on to something. At least in death, you can know that you will not be judged based upon your vanity. Why is it that death is so feared? We all know that we are going to die. Why do we fight so hard to avoid it? I myself embrace it. Why? Because I know when the time comes for me to take my last breath, I will know that I have reached all that I have strived for. I know that my time on this earth is done and I am no longer needed to fight anymore. Dont be scared of something you can not control. Understand that its there for a reason and there is no way to avoid it. We cant control the rain, but we accept that it is going to rain. We cant control rush hour traffic, but we accept the fact that we are going to get stuck in it once and a while. So why fear death? We all know that we are going to be face to face with it sometime in life, so why fight against it? Dont even think about it, because if you do, then you are only killing your mind and missing out on many good people. It is not the afterlife we should all be scared about, it is the current life we should be. We are losing our grips on reality, and allowing ourselves to overlook the joys of living. Times get tough, but if they didnt then they would not be considered times. Just another day.

In the end. Just give everyone you meet a chance. Let them tell you if they are worth the time to get to know them. Some people dont want to be known or cant accept that someone wants to know them. Dont give up on them though; befriend them in some sort of way. Keep you life open to new people, new ideas, and new adventures. Dont ignore people you once knew. That is the worst type of punishment. Worse then saying you hate them. Ignoring people is just plain ignorance. Live life to its fullest. Accept people for who they are, not who you think they should be. Love everyone even if they dont love you. Only in acceptance of everyone can we find the true path to happiness.

Copyright © MajesticPoet ... [ 2005-06-24 07:24:13]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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