The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
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Thursday, 30th June 2005 @ 06:12:28 AM in AEST
Some little houses secrets hold As they in silence stand, In summer's heat, or winter's cold The charm of many a land
But some are wrapped in mystery, Boast charm peculiar, These houses have a legacy, You can sense it from afar.
The little house of which I speak I special so to me, It's yellow and stands near a creek, Close by an apple tree.
Frau Essigmann, - the landlady Of ours for seven years, Loved little cats with fervency. But had of ghosts great fear.
Its haunted, so this lady said,- Ghosts roam at times my house, When with my bike I entered late, So glad to greet my spouse.
Her house held fine antiquities, From which some guests were barred, Her needle pointed tapestries Were done with skill and art.
The lady was selective she Scanned carefully her guests, If ignorant of artistry That graced her walls and chests.
Ah!- needle point, with patterned seam, Embroidered with yarns of gold, That modern chaps fail to esteem, Their mothers are at fault.
Across the meadow one could see Distinctive an abode Which housed a famous family That sang for men and God.
They featured in a movie soon, "The Sound of Music" called, They practiced mornings until noon, And hearers felt enthralled.
The movie became famous since Von Trapps sang everywhere, For paupers, big shots, and some prince, Cantata, Song and Air.
But I digress,- Frau Essigmann Loved cats above all else And oft adorned them like the cows With alpine little bells.
She knew all herbs, and wholesome teas, And was the dowsers' friend, Knew medicinal roots wherewith Grave illnesses are banned.
And rows and rows of recipes, Could on her shelves be found, Of medicinal herbs and teas, Fresh dug out from her ground
Of costly incense smelled our house, Which Mrs. Essigmann spread well, And wafts of it and of the cows, Helped spooks and ghosts dispel.
Lo! with her censer to and fro Went Mrs. Essigmann, Who trusted Java incense so The Poltergeists to ban.
And sprites and ghosts that roamed our house And other spirits more, That rivaling with lowing cows Our crochet curtains tore.
The cows on grasses had their fill And peacefully lowed Moo! And then approached our window sill, And stuck their heads right through.
Moo-moo! was heard in every room, As they would stomping pass, Through flower beds, in fullest bloom, And luscious high grown grass.
Nearby the farm house carrefour, Young tourists strolled at night To pick up ghosts and cow manure And free steaks large and wide.
This house does have a history, Of which to tell I am loath, And honoring - hush --secrecy, I henceforth shut my mouth.
By:Elizabeth Dandy
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Climb every Mountain". "Ford every Stream". "Follow every Rainbow". reach your glorious Dream"
Mrs. Essigmann was a savvy collector of items of art and besides a great herbalist, who knew every herb and plant and the medicinal benefits derived from each. I myself profited greatly during our stay in this house. Learned the arts of wax mold (negative) carving, Batik (wax transparent painting) for religious banners, oh what wonders! and other arts.
God love Mrs. Essigmann!.
Photos aree lassoed together: Top tableau right: 1.Aigen/Sazlzburg, with the property of the Trapp Singer family before their move to Vermont, USA. 2. Messrs. Essigmann's House 3. Mrs. Essigmann and her favorite cat
Top Tableau left 1. City of Salzburg 2.Garden Bower and friend
Center Tableau right 1 Johanna Herndl standing on meadow before house, 2.Spouses Herndl - summer guests from the Vienna State Opera 3. Stephen's empty Deckchair. Where is Stephen? Center Tableau left 1. Elizabeth Dandy and her mother 2. Elizabeth Dandy with her motorbike returning homeafter work
Bottom Tableau right 1.Interior of Aigen Church 2. Stephen & Elizabeth in Mondsee (Lake District)
Bottom Tableau left 1. Farmer's Daughter graduates 2. Friend Sissy 3. Afternoon Coffe in my brother's garden
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2005-06-30 06:12:28] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
(User Rating: 1 ) by bernard on
Thursday, 30th June 2005 @ 12:20:35 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
Great Pictures of upper Austria remind me of a visit some twenty years ago. Poem is special and deserves the top marks that one can give, Wunderschöne bilder und die gedicht is a traum. Alles gute von bernard and Martha.
Ps your email address bounced back on a couple of messages I tried to send bernard. |
Re: The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
(User Rating: 1 ) by Jenni_K on
Friday, 1st July 2005 @ 03:47:15 PM AEST (User
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Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful poem, Elizabeth.... I enjoyed it very much and the pics were amazing....
Jenni |
Re: The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
(User Rating: 1 ) by lovingcritters on
Tuesday, 5th July 2005 @ 12:12:59 PM AEST (User
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Dear ED,
The first time I read this lovely and mysterious poem I could hear the song in my imagination only. I think my volume was turned off accidentally, now that I'm able to read it and really hear the beautiful song, it has enchanced it tremendously, although didn't need to, for its quality and beautifully written poetry didn't need it. I loved that movies so much I finally got it on DVD so I could watch it anytime I wanted to. Then the dogs and I sing very loud and dance around like clowns.
The history you have given us behind it all was just so interesting, and now whenever I see it this poem has added more to its already steady foundation. Your images were so delicately placed, and appreciated greatly. Your work is perfection in the end. ED
Thanking you so much
Warm love
consue |
Re: The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
(User Rating: 1 ) by shelby on
Tuesday, 5th July 2005 @ 12:45:57 PM AEST (User
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the poem and pictures are incredible a joy to read indeed
Michelle |
Re: The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
(User Rating: 1 ) by venkat on
Wednesday, 27th July 2005 @ 05:41:00 AM AEST (User
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Dearest Lady, I felt immense joy by readinmg this..though I wish to leave my best comments I am almost speechless. Thanks for sharing this amazing write..it is great to learn about Mrs.Essigman and the house filmed in "Sound of Music":-)venkat |
Re: The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
(User Rating: 1 ) by reflections on
Thursday, 11th August 2005 @ 07:48:53 AM AEST (User
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Loved this poem dear friend. Not only is it a charming and humorous offering, it gives such insight into the exciting past adventures of the younger Elizabeth. Now I know the secret of your masterful writing ability . . . you have an over-abundance of lifetime experiences and it would be unfair to keep within your breast all the historical places, events, and amazing people who have in some way touched, or been a part of your fantastic existence. You have so much to offer the world with your stories and poetry. Thank God you are so generous as to spend most of your time sharing your life, and it’s loves and secrets, with those of us who enjoy your writings so very much. May God allow you the ability to weave your words into the magic of your life’s tapestry until the very last moments of your uniquely edifying lifetime. Be blessed dear friend.
Re: The Haunted House of Mrs. Essigmann
(User Rating: 1 ) by Archie on
Thursday, 11th August 2005 @ 06:34:25 PM AEST (User
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So much historymy gosh! It si overwhelming. The pictures drew up questions that for now i will not ask Your write was amazing. |