Contributed by
Saturday, 1st February 2003 @ 11:40:00 PM in AEST
I wish, I wish I knew how to make you love me Wish I had what she has, wish I could make you proud Ive tried so hard, and Im so sorry Please, dont start again, I cant take it
Lying here, trying to work out what I did wrong Curled up on the sofa, crying whilst you scream at me Covering my broken eyes with my hands Im so sorry, Ill never do it again
Shouting at me, and all I can do is apologise, Close my eyes and wait for you to get bored I dont even know what I did this time Tears on my face and I just want to crawl away
Im so sorry mummy, for not bring pretty enough I never meant to get bad grades in school Im sorry I wasnt as good as her, I never meant to mummy, I never meant to
Ill go and do my jobs now mummy, Please, stop shouting, I cant do this One time too many, Im so sad inside Im so sorry Ill do anything, please, just tell me that you love me
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2003-02-01 23:40:00] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Mummy
(User Rating: 1 ) by bobotheclown on
Sunday, 2nd February 2003 @ 12:12:57 AM AEST (User
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Oh Lucie this is just simply so sad.
Covering my broken eyes with my hands
That line just really stood out to me. You have such a way with writing. a lot of pain and emotion was put into this I enjoyed it alot. Keep writing and I hope things are better now.
Your friend,
Joel |
Re: Mummy
(User Rating: 1 ) by ladyfawn on
Sunday, 2nd February 2003 @ 11:48:58 AM AEST (User
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big huggs and love..hope your feeling happier soon.......... |
Re: Mummy
(User Rating: 1 ) by roisin on
Sunday, 2nd February 2003 @ 01:33:00 PM AEST (User
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so sad..wishing your situation improves...keep writing...
Re: Mummy
(User Rating: 1 ) by M on
Monday, 3rd February 2003 @ 11:35:17 AM AEST (User
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o baby, i love you so much, it is an amazing poem. to me darlin, you are one million times 'better' than your sister, your the best thing in the world to me, you mean so much. O lu, we're guna get out of this, and things will be better one day, i promise you. all my love, forever, MxXx |
Re: Mummy
(User Rating: 1 ) by wolfflow on
Monday, 3rd February 2003 @ 04:35:32 PM AEST (User
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you're right its not a good poem, but its great expression, sometimes you gotta write your way out of a situation, surprised you dont get the grades, some of your poetry reveals an awesome intelligence, keep it up, big hug, please, dont just read those words, feel them, a lot of people care for you |
Re: Mummy
(User Rating: 1 ) by Darkscorpio on
Saturday, 8th February 2003 @ 04:38:09 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
That breaks my heart. My thoughts are with you. Make yourself stronger...you'll figure out how to do it eventually. Use the words in your poems, use the poems that you read. Just don't give up. |
Re: Mummy
(User Rating: 1 ) by cryingonmyporch on
Wednesday, 23rd April 2003 @ 11:28:40 PM AEST (User
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a Message)
It is some what like mine. I'm sorry you have had to go thru something so horrible. In some crude way knowing someone else is just as sad and hurt as me makes feel not so alone. it is a very good Write
Amy |