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I Wanna Live For A Reason

Contributed by MoonlitAngel on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 09:21:46 AM in AEST
Topic: selfstruggles

Sometimes I see my face and I don't think that could be me
I'm falling so hard and I'm so afraid
Sometimes I scare myself when I see that knife in my hand
But I'm not strong enough to be that weak
I scream myself to sleep and I hate the sound of my fear
But not as much as I loathe the silence
The cadence of my own breath is enough to drive me mad
The thrill of death, it makes me feel alive

But it's not enough to breathe
When you don't have a reason to live
It's not enough to love me
If you can't make it believable
I lay here torn and bleeding
'Cause you ripped out my heart and left me
And I'm euphoric from your touch
Don't save me if it's enough to die

I'd rather walk through fire than live my life the way you would
'Cause you don't feel the wind the way I do
I've been to hell and back for love and I'd do it again
I've learned that I am me, and you are you
Nothing can change that and I hope you understand it's real
'Cause I can't love you if I don't know you
The mirror will break and the smoke will fade, where will you hide?
You cannot see the world behind closed eyes

I'm sorry for all I've done
'Cause I don't wanna bleed anymore
But I'm crying forever
And the crystal twilight cuts my eyes
I can't love like I used to
And I'd die just to see if you'd care
Sometimes I forget to breathe
I just wanna live for a reason

Step out of the shadows
Cry a broken tear if you can feel
Take off that ugly mask
Throw it to the wind and scream out loud
Open those rusted eyes
If you look you will see all that's real
Taste it, don't waste it
Never again, don't ever fake it

It's not enough to breathe
There's no motive to bleed
It's not enough to love
There's no shame in your tears
It's not enough to die
It's gonna be alright
If you'll only give me
A reason to live

Copyright © MoonlitAngel ... [ 2004-04-28 09:21:46]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by Stitch on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 09:28:17 AM AEST
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There's so much here it is overwhelming to me. I can't digest it all. I love the imagery though---broken tear, rusted eyes. Some lovely stuff. Maybe I'll try again later. Too early to think that hard or feel that much. Sorry.

Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by mickie on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 09:30:34 AM AEST
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listen, i understand your pain. i really do.
you wanna reason to live?
live for yourself. embrace the power that lies
down deep within you, cause i know it's there.
kill the 'monsters; in your life and dare to take control. no one should keep you down and yes i know, it hurts. oh , does it hurt. but you got to make it. you have to make it for yourself.
you keep in touch with me. i'll tell you more about myslef. promise

Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by Ronald on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 09:36:24 AM AEST
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Cool!! A poem with very strong words and it reveals a lot of maturity and thinking and pondering in your poem. I love this!! but anyway, in case you're seeking a reason to live... why don't you help yourself with some motivational articles or books. it may help you. Here, got a site to recommend you http://www.motivation123.com

Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by Black13 on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 10:17:21 AM AEST
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As little as I like what you have said to me so far I do enjoy your writing.
An Avril series? Intruguing. I will have to go look up the rest.
I really like how you wrote this.

Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by LiquidChaos on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 10:28:24 AM AEST
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I don't like Avril Lavign a whole ton, but I can definately see the relationship between this poem and "Anything but ordinary". I love this--and I know exactly how you feel. I havn't yet found my reason either--and sometimes I feel like dying just to see if anyone would really care. You have to believe people care. Otherwise there is no point to our existance. Keep hanging on. I'm here if you ever feel like talking.

Great write!


Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by deathdrop on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 10:28:27 AM AEST
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great job! year, hang on in there for your self. you've got a talent, so don't let it go to waste. show this person that you're writing about that you are stronger than what you are now, and trust me, i know that its easier said than done. but when you've done it, you'll look back and laugh. good luck,

from deathdrop.

Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by blueheart on Wednesday, 28th April 2004 @ 09:37:36 PM AEST
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First of the imagery was amazing.
'And the crystal twilight cuts my eyes' for example was unique and creative. One can tell you put in a lot of thought, emotion and energy in the poem. At first it seemed a little lengthy but when I read through it, it didnt seem all that long because it was such an absorbing read. Last of, its cool that you have a series for your poems. Pretty intresting. Good job to say the least.

Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by ShadowDaughter on Tuesday, 25th May 2004 @ 04:03:38 PM AEST
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Whoa . . . somehow I missed this when you posted it.

Keeping certain things in mind, though, I'm sure you can figure out this poem's significance to me. One of those ones where it feels like someone's ripped the words that you'll never be able to say out of your throat and pinned them to paper. You seem to do that rather a lot, as it happens . . .

"The mirror will break and the smoke will fade, where will you hide?
You cannot see the world behind closed eyes"-- damn, Dee.

Just . . . damn.


Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by Kamal on Wednesday, 8th February 2006 @ 11:59:42 AM AEST
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That was deep whoa its like I came acroos someone that has the same problem but your words help me solve them...

Peace & Love

Re: I Wanna Live For A Reason (User Rating: 1 )
by brave_celt on Friday, 9th February 2007 @ 01:08:57 AM AEST
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nice write loved i

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