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White Roses

Contributed by FleurdeSang on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 03:17:19 PM in AEST
Topic: toughstuff

Weeping an abyss of sorrow,
Yet, my eyes are dry...
Inside is where the ocean lies,
Crashing waves of remorseless anguish,
Withering my wall of self-control,
Venturing ever so closer to the edge...

The doctor with the dead eyes says there isn't that much time,
Your heart's song is soon ending,
Beating a jagged melody of weak defiance...

Subsequent death is no news to you,
You've known for a while now that your time was coming,
And with a fearless mask,
You greet Fatality with a firm handshake and a crooked grin...

Fragile, a small lump of bones and skin under a white blanket,
Endless wires, green, blue, red,
Winding in and out of your body,
Machines recording the tired whispers of your heart,

Beep...............beep.............. beepbeep..........

"Abuelo..." I utter softly,
That one word echoing throughout this icy tomb,
Provoking your eyes to flutter open and gaze at me...
How weary you look, how deathly pale,
Your hands are so cold in mine,
And I'm scared... so fearful of losing you...

Your ancient fingers, elegant in their frailty,
Squeeze my hands in comfort and reassurance,
"All will be well, mi cielo..." flowing from your lips,
I know that's not true...
I know that it won't get better,
That you'll leave this world soon,
Abuelito querido, I know that you won't suffer anymore...

Wallowing in perpetual grief, my heart cannot bear to see you there,
So frail and knowing of what is in store,
I cannot endure to watch you die

In a fit of despair, I embrace you,
Gentle so as not to hurt you,
And tell you with infinite tears,
Te amo, Abuelito.. No me dejes
A ghost of a smile plays at your lips, so solemn,
You whisper, Querida, I will never leave here
Pointing to my heart with those timeless fingers

An eternity later, you asked only one request of me,
Yo quiero rosas rosas blanca

I want roses white roses

Copyright © FleurdeSang ... [ 2005-05-25 15:17:19]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 03:24:35 PM AEST
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This was so emotional! I love the soft tone and the love you have in your heart for your grandfather. You should read this to him as you give him that white rose. I think he would love it. My prayers go out to you so you find strength in all that you must endure.
Great poem!
Angel always...godspeed...joni

Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by Former_Member on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 03:43:10 PM AEST
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A totaly diffrent flavor from my write of the same name!!
Stephy this is awsome!!!
Touching and sad and cleverly woven!


Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by hauntedscorp on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 03:55:27 PM AEST
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How very beautiful...You must have such a special relationship with your Grandpa...Mine both died when I was very young. My heart goes out to you and your family...Find him the most beautiful bouquet....Take Care, Scorp.

Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by Nazmythian on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 04:21:09 PM AEST
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That was beautiful Steph. I recall my Grandfather in a similar state ... and I can see and understand his request ... white for purity of heart, and the roses from you ... his flower. What more could he ask for ?

Nazzy ~

Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by heartquake on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 04:24:23 PM AEST
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Absolutely beautiful..... this poem can give you just about every emotion you'd ever want... from love to sadness, back to closeness and depression.... i loved the tidbits of spanish too, using it to talk with your dear grandpa telling him not too leave and all.... the spanish made it a lot more real and emotional for me... i'm haven't brushed up on my spanish in sometime but i think i get the main idea... excellent write... i wish i could say more, but i'm used to digging deeper into the subliminalities of poetry, and this is pretty straight forward, which in this case is far better than leaving people thinking.... i wish your grandpa, you, and your family the best

Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by MorningDove on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 05:31:31 PM AEST
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This is an extremely sad yet beautiful piece of your life you are sharing with us. Thank you so much. In my family it is a tradition that white roses cover the casket of the beloved one that has passed on. So I understand his request. He will always be with you in your heart and shall never leave your mind. Bless you and all your family.


Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by Silent-No-More on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 06:07:44 PM AEST
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Es verdad, Stephy... en su corazon, el puede vivir por siempre. Yo se, porque, mi abuela esta conmigo en mi corazon ahora.

This, hon... is such a beautiful, touching, honorable piece.... I am so very moved by it. Final goodbyes are so unbearably difficult, I know there is nothing I could say to lessen the pain. But you, sweetie --- have captured the beauty of your heart and have shown your love for him in the most exquisite way. I am extremely moved by this and...

Estoy aqui, siempre... si tu me necesitas.

Hugs and love,

Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by entropytripping on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 06:23:02 PM AEST
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It's amazing, soft and deep. obviously full to the seems of you and memories, you portray such a frantic emotion with such calm, as if the two of you held the moment for far longer than reality allows

Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by DorianChambers on Wednesday, 25th May 2005 @ 06:45:47 PM AEST
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Dorian Chambers

Re: White Roses (User Rating: 1 )
by bobotheclown on Saturday, 28th May 2005 @ 12:06:16 AM AEST
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Those last lines gave me a chill throughout
my body... t his was hard to read as it brought
back memories of my grandma when she
was dying of cancer. This was a beautiful
write for your grandpa and I am rendered
speechless beyond the meagre words that I
offer here.

Bobo (Joel)

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