soldiers of God
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Thursday, 31st May 2007 @ 10:36:37 PM in AEST
Soldiers of God
Muhammad, Moses, Jesus and the rest, were chosen by God, they were simply the best. They were all unique, had miracles and powers that no one could perform, even to this very hour. They were patient, humble, and very grateful; to God almighty, they were very faithful. Jesus gave life to the dead, and never became arrogant, foolish things he never said. Moses rod became a snake, but pharaoh rejected him-spiritually wasn't awake For rejecting Allah-he got swallowed at sea, sealed his heart in darkness, and sealed his destiny. Abraham was a man, true and sincere, worshipped Allah in devotion, only Him he'd fear. Adam and Eve sinned- ate from the tree, made Allah upset, He told them to flee He kicked them out of paradise, made them dwell on earth, for what they did wasn't wise The key to Jannah is to always repent from mistakes that the children of Adam constantly make. Don't be filled with pride, arrogance, or greed, it will ruin your life, you will never succeed. Never be impatient with the task at hand, take one step at a time and try to understand, That Islam is a gift from God, not a punishment at hand. A gift that promises rewards to the true and the humble, so stay firm on this din, and try not to fumble' The soldier of God is rare to find these days, Muslims traded heaven for this life, they have fallen away. Muslims are scared from calling people to Islam; they hide their faith with nick names like Moe and Sam Why would God help those who aren't straight, those who preferred this life's joy for their faith? God, God, I'm begging for your Nur to shine, on all the Muslim brothers and sisters of mine. Dont forsake us, help us become mujahideen and mutaqeen, the key to getting your pleasure, something I always dreamed. If Muhammad was alive, he would weep at our state, he would establish Islam proudly, and for dawah he wouldn't wait. You have in the messenger of Allah the greatest example; he is our imam, his love was very ample. I might be a Muslim, but how is my actions and speech, do they resemble the Nabee (S), or are they far out of reach. Muhammad (S) was sent as a mercy to mankind, no matter where you search in the world, like him, you'll never find In the city of Taif, He was brutally beaten, with no where to turn, what happened to the freedom. He had to crawl out the city while bleeding all over his body in pain, for peacefully preaching Islam, but what did he gain. He gained the love of Allah, the success that's only real, would we follow his footsteps, or constantly conceal. The only religion thats free from corruption, regardless of all the kuffar's assumptions. They (kuffar) say Islam was spread at the point of the sword, no matter what proof we show them, they won't take our word. Look at how the Nabee dealt with the pagans, Christians, and Jews-he was never hostile with them, nor did he ever use abuse Allah only guides those who change the intentions in their heart, not those who corrupt the land, who don't want a fresh start. If you want Islam to impact you, you have to sacrifice, all the pleasure of this world, it might not sound nice How can we compare the life of the world to heavenly bliss, don't lose focus of the goal, for that we can't miss You wanna be doomed. Than do as you please, just follow your passions, and take life with ease!
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2007-05-31 22:36:37] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: soldiers of God
(User Rating: 1 ) by Honey56 on
Friday, 1st June 2007 @ 03:40:46 AM AEST (User
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God Bless! |