Hey! Big Man upstairs!
Contributed by
Thursday, 24th September 2009 @ 04:29:50 AM in AEST
Hey, whats up? Whats with the pain? Whats with the suffering? The death, loss, and plagues? What did we do to you?
Last time I checked, You were almighty. So fix it. Fix the things we can't Sometimes, I think my family is insane To believe you'll fix it. To believe in you.
Sometimes when I believe. I think that you dont care at all. Or that you find it funny To watch us die. To watch us loose our families.
Do you ever even try? Did you give up, like me? Are you real, or just a myth? Why am I even trying? If you are there you arent listening.
Did you kill her on purpose, Just to hurt me more? I hope you found it funny. I think it was you. You were the one who took her.
I can only go on so long. As long as you are listening to me And my final prayer. I just want to say thanks For killing my best friend.
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2009-09-24 04:29:50] (Date/Time posted on
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