Stark, black trees etched against a night sky
Leafless they stand, branches erect
Frozen arms reaching up in desperation
Caught trying to flee the desolate land
Below no grass covers the faceless dirt
An ash covered firepit under a half burned root
The only sign there was ever a presence
No breezes stir
No birds call
No insects chirp
No sounds at all, no movement
A chill of loss fills the dead air
For not even loneliness can penetrate the dark
The dark.
When above, in starless, lifeless sky
A flash of lightening bursts anon
A loud boom echoes across the land
As of a door slamming open
Low moans of awakening stir
A wind blows dirt and ashes awhirl
Rain begins to fall, then pour
Quenching a thirsty land
While under a half burned root
Unheeding of the rain and storm
A small ember glows to life.