My Personal Weather Forcast!
Contributed by
Tuesday, 11th May 2004 @ 05:29:30 AM in AEST
When I look back over my life, the first thing that comes to mind, Is all the turns I've taken....some good, others not so kind. It reminds me of the weather........ Awakening, not knowing the daily forcast, I feel so good inside and out when the Sun shines. Wish those days would last and last, Warming me from head to toe, making me feel so good inside. On days like today, I could leave all my worries behind.
The Windy days of my life, being tossed all around.......... Throwing my equalibrium of life off balance, Many times I'd fall to the ground. But that's when I pick myself back up standing firm and tall, Till the strongest gusts of winds subsides......this time refusing to fall.
Just when I'm back on my feet, that's when the Rain bottoms out, A blinding rain, so heavy it tries to soak all the way through to my soul. That's where I draw the line refusing to let it in, Because inside my Soul lives my Spirit and my Spirit always wins.
Knowing there's always going to be unpredictable changes in our weather forcast of life, It's how we handle these ups and downs........ We can face them head on refusing to give in, Or let them once more........ knock us to the ground.
As long as we're here on this Earth, come Rain, Wind, Clouds or Cold.......... It's how one reacts this weather, do you give in, run or take hold?
Take hold of life and grab it by the horns, Just as a new born baby clinches his tiny fist, as soon as he is born. Wanting to take hold of his mother and hold on with all his might............ Knowing that she will protect him, even if it means giving her own life. The Storms of life are ever raging, Just know that we're not alone. Our forcast is forever changing, but our Spirit is stedfast and strong.
Hopes for continued Sunshine!
~Gloria E. 18-05-2002
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2004-05-11 05:29:30] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: My Personal Weather Forcast!
(User Rating: 1 ) by Jenni_K on
Tuesday, 11th May 2004 @ 05:42:43 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
I absolutely love the analogy used here... good write...
Jenni |
Re: My Personal Weather Forcast!
(User Rating: 1 ) by Hurretje on
Tuesday, 11th May 2004 @ 05:47:59 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
Very good poem..strong imagery! I loved to read it.
Hur |
Re: My Personal Weather Forcast!
(User Rating: 1 ) by Former_Member on
Tuesday, 11th May 2004 @ 06:00:02 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
wow...outstanding work...
it contains a lot of truth but somehow you still manage to make it flow magnificently...
it gave me alot of hope,
13 year old girl grateful for the light sparked inside her,
katie |
Re: My Personal Weather Forcast!
(User Rating: 1 ) by loopylou on
Tuesday, 11th May 2004 @ 06:05:37 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
This is great somthing everyone can relate too....i feel all conected now lol...thanks for sharing |
Re: My Personal Weather Forcast!
(User Rating: 1 ) by bluoreo on
Tuesday, 11th May 2004 @ 07:30:51 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
very inspirational. i really liked it
-eric |
Re: My Personal Weather Forcast!
(User Rating: 1 ) by bernard on
Tuesday, 11th May 2004 @ 08:01:16 AM AEST (User
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a Message)
I like the way you compare your life to the weather. It is true when we expect sunshine a storm blows up it takes a strong character to weather the daily storms. Good unusual poem five points.
bernard. |