Storybook romance
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Wednesday, 28th July 2004 @ 11:47:06 AM in AEST
He stares at me with pure determination I dont dare look at him back But I know passionate tears would be streaming down his face As he begs me to fly away with him I can feel the pressure of his hand on my shoulder Finally I tear my eyes away from the nothingness That protected me from reality And look him dead in the eye He tells me stories Stories where he was the hero, and I was always there by his side I love it when hes enthusiastic, passionate The innocence in his eyes makes my ***** skin crawl, though Taking a drag on his cigarette My life depends on it I watch as he throws his arms around Telling me about his latest dream where he flew above it all And could control time We can all control time, I told him He throws his hands up in exasperation I hear his voice falter as it slowly gets louder I need him so much that he could gouge my eyes out right now And Id still stand by his side As he saves the world in our story book land He tells me how he hates me I curl up and shy away like the little girl within He takes my hand and says I hate you so much that I ***** love you I wipe my pathetic tear and smile As we stumble into our storybook romance choking on cigarette smoke I ***** love him too
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2004-07-28 11:47:06] (Date/Time posted on
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Re: Storybook romance
(User Rating: 1 ) by becca_bruce2000 on
Monday, 9th August 2004 @ 04:02:09 PM AEST (User
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that is like no poem I have ever read. it is a okay poem but who the hell am I to say!! |