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Contributed by Ppaul on Thursday, 28th April 2005 @ 09:15:25 AM in AEST
Topic: insomniac

Midnight comes and goes I think I cant sleep the lights to bright for my eyes Im paralyzed its got me paralyzed blinded by the light I want to sleep I need to sleep but the lights to bright The wall must hold I am myself I am myself Im in a vice the wall must hold squeezing squeezing the wall must hold I am myself reality whats reality it bends the smiley people are leaning out from the box arms extended holding out handfuls of the shiny black insects with the sabre smiles tempting me to defy my eyes Im wide awake this is not a dream the wall must hold I am myself but they are attacking my mind crawling over my skull looking for a way in the wall must hold I am myself I resist sending out waves of my personality to drive them back they watch from the others side of the room I close my eyes no surprise I cant break free it makes no difference your etched into the lids of my eyes Im paralyzed the shiny black insects with the sabre smiles wait the smiley people on the box wait the wall must hold I am my self anger will sustain me Damn you Ill pick you up and throw you out of the window and smash you into a million pieces But I cant move my arms what window? Is that air Im breathing? I am weak I need to sleep Im paralyzed I want to get up and turn you of but your on the other side of the room staring down at me the eye of the beast where are my arms why cant I move my neck keep away from my brain you smiley people stay back you shiny insects with sabre smiles I cant take it this supposed to cure me Im going insane the wall must hold I am myself all I can see are white walls white light Mary Jane Mary Jane Mary Jane get your pretty ass in her take this gag of I want to scream why cant it be night someone turn out the light Mary Jane turn out the light Im scared Im running oh God Im running youve abandoned me just like my Mother I was a fool to trust you led me here and left me to die the snake concealed under a flower they used you to get me I see that now Get the hell away from my brain you shiny black insects with the sabre smiles stay back Im running help damn you my mind is melting boiling melting imprisoned in the four wall inner space outer space there is no difference the pressure the wall must hold but the box is blazing blaring shiny smiley people judging shiny black beetles with the sabre smiles waiting why arent you normal your so pathetic look how much better we are than your nothing youre a waste of space why dont you cut your wrists why dont you I would but I cant move my arms no choice give in No No if I could just swallow my tongue please God let me swallow my tongue Im paralyzed I cant take it Im breaking why am I here Mary Jane Mary Jane white walls white light why cant I get one good night sterilizing acid burning me clean its to bright to bright if you dont fit you get hammered into a more acceptable shape you will be clean Mother I was never good enough for you was I Mother I was a burden to your midnight ways thats why you left me at home with the babysitter now my jailer I tried to get away from the ties that ounce again bind and improve my mind but the ghost from my childhood has returned Ive found the brain police this is hell white burning blinding searing hell the box blazes on if I could just close my eyes and die this is hell the box watches the shiny black insects with the sabre smiles wait I cant take it Im sorry I thought so much Im sorry I read those books Im sorry I brought that album I give up No Yes No I am myself I dont want to be me right now you will change No you are ours give in and the pain will stop the doubt the confusion the sadness the depression will melt away there are warm arms attached these smiley faces the wall the wall I want to be loved there in my brain Mary Jane Mum I want to be loved Walls made of sand fall into the sea shiny black beetles with the sabre smiles I welcome you now twist me to your designs I dont want to hurt any more I just want to be loved I just want to sleeps sleep I love you we love you to 2+2=5 whatever you want Im free oblivion is peace

Copyright © Ppaul ... [ 2005-04-28 09:15:25]
(Date/Time posted on site)


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